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Inverse Kinematics

The goal of this project was to implement an Inverse Kinematics system into Godot using GDExtension that allowed for various bone lengths, number of bones, and number of IK chains.

So, first of all, what is Inverse Kinematics? Inverse Kinematics or IK is a way of animating a set of bones to have realistic placement and orientation given some target position. This is really useful for the animation of limbs like hands and feet since it is much easier to give limbs a target position rather than define the rotations of each joint in a chain of bones.

My implementation uses FABRIK, a method defined in the paper FABRIK: A fast, iterative solver for the Inverse Kinematics problem by Andreas Aristidou & Joan Lasenby. Click below to see the showcase of the project itself as well as a walkthrough of how it all was acomplished.

Art Showcase